We are committed to creating a safe space for your team to flourish.

We, Dees van de Hoef and Jan Jacob Stam (hereafter referred to as ‘we’) will strive to be an appropriate role model for students and clients in all our trainings and professional activities.

We will act in accordance with the systemic principles of belonging, order and exchange.

We will give our analysis, diagnoses, trainings, coaching and constellations with great care and create a positive learning environment in which teams, students and clients are respected.

We understand that we are considered experts.  We will not use this position to gain unreasonable and unfair advantage, in the form of material, financial, or other favors, from our customers, students and clients.

In case the professional relationship between (one of) us and a person is the trainer-student / coach-client / author-client relationship, we agree to conduct ourselves in promoting this relationship. In case of another relationship than this, we will do our best to balance both relationships.

In case a question from a client (for whatever reason) is not manageable for us, we will take responsibility for this and refer the client to another trainer, coach or other professional.

We will do our best to do business in a truthful, honest way, always trying to create a situation where for both parties give, and take is in balance.

We will present ourselves in an honest, open manner and make no claims about ourselves that are not true.

We will not pirate other people’s work and always quote the source when quoting from other people’s work. We will not allow any copyrighted work, including audio, video, or written material, to be copied without written permission from the owner.

We will ensure that we have transparent financial information on prices and discounts and will handle all financial issues as ethically as possible.

We will ensure the confidentiality of the personal information of our customers, students or clients, unless we are legally obliged to disclose this information or have been given written permission to do so.

We will honestly give our opinion, and in case of less positive statements, make it clear that these are our personal opinions and highlight the other side of the matter. We will not speak ill of other trainers, coaches, systemic colleagues, customers, students or clients.

We will provide the student / client with clear information about the certificates of training we have obtained.

We keep developing ourselves professionally in our profession. We use the possibilities in the field of peer review, supervision, workshops, seminars and training.

We will not issue certificates to students who deal in an unethical way with the material we have provided. We will always act according to our ability to certify these students in a later phase in the future.

When in doubt about a situation or possible contradiction of the rule, we always act in the interest of our client.