Dees is full of energy, loves to color outside the lines, and excels at expanding the world for others. She does this in her own unique, down-to-earth and honest way, with a dash of humor and a hint of self-deprecation.
While Jan Jacob is the analytical strategist of the two, Dees embodies courage, guts and a focus on people. She uses her energy to bring out the best in individuals and teams. Her motto is: “It can be done.”
“I always see sharply what is possible and not yet happening. In teams, organizations, and individuals. I spark the change and then guide the process of igniting the fire, in other words, bringing out potential.”
Dees needs little information to quickly get to the core. By zooming out, she reaches the essence, doing what is necessary, even if it is painful but essential for renewed flow. There is no shine without friction.
Trained as an HR manager and environmental scientist, she has gained extensive work experience in (interim) HR, project management, and policy advisory roles. Entrepreneurial and active by nature, her passion led her to establish her own company.
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